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Learn Spring 5, Boot 2, JPA, Thymeleaf, AOP, Web MVC, REST
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Getting Started
1. What and Why of Spring (7:17)
2. Setting up the Development Environment (19:35)
3. Understanding Post Form, Query Params and Path Variables (20:55)
4. Path variables and Request Params Continued (21:07)
5. Overview of Spring MVC (4:48)
6. Form Submission in Views (27:48)
7. Redirects and Data (5:52)
Real-world Project + Thymeleaf, Spring Data JPA, and Entity Relationships
8. Setting Up a New Project (The PMA Web App) (6:38)
9. Turn a Class into an Entity (6:05)
10. Bind Java Objects to Forms in Thymeleaf (16:52)
11. Create Crud Repository for Project Entity (17:52)
12. Create Crud Repository for Employee Entity (17:41)
13. Using Crud Repositories (19:06)
14. Organize Thymeleaf Views (15:42)
15. HW for Thymeleaf Views and Navigation (11:00)
Entity Relationship Annotations
16. @OneToMany and @ManyToOne Annotations for relating Entities (10:28)
17. @OneToMany Annotation with Thymeleaf Form Binding (29:08)
18. @ManyToMany Annotation (19:15)
Seeding Databases using CommandLineRunner and SQL Files
19. Seeding the Database with CommandLineRunner (6:48)
20. Seeding the Database Using SQL Files (19:44)
Javascript with Crud Repositories in Thymeleaf Webpages
21. Including Javascript and CSS Files in Your Project (8:04)
22. Improving the Homepage (12:50)
23. Custom Queries in Spring Data Repositories (19:10)
24. Custom Query Continued: Project Status Query (14:13)
25. Using Model Attributes with JavaScript in Spring and Thymeleaf (19:10)
Diving Deeper into Core Spring Concepts
26. Spring Dependency Injection (19:25)
27. Component Scanning @Service, @Component and @Repository Annotations (12:12)
28. Constructor Injection, Field Injection and Setter Injection (11:31)
29. @Primary and @Qualifier Annotations (10:45)
Spring Properties Configuration Files and Environment Variables
30. Property Configurations and Reading Values (8:08)
31. Reading Environment Variables in Property Configuration Files (12:05)
PostgreSQL Database Integration in a Spring Application
32. Installing the PostgreSQL Database and Driver (7:53)
33. Configure Properties for Postgres Database (23:33)
Spring Integration Testing Separating Real Database vs. In-memory H2 Database
34. Setting Up Configurations for Integration Testing (24:03)
35. Using @SpringBootTest Annotation Correctly (7:57)
36. Integration Tests for Controllers/Views (10:21)
Production Deployment on AWS EC2 + Containerizing using Docker + AWS RDS
37. Deploy a Spring Application to AWS EC2 Server (40:09)
38. Working with Docker to Containerize Your Apps (33:45)
39. Building a Docker Image for a Spring Boot App and Running it in a Container (24:58)
40. Setting Up an AWS Cloud Hosted Postgres Database (20:42)
41. Making a Production Ready Docker Image for Your Spring Boot App (13:41)
Spring AOP (Aspect Oriented Programming) + Logging the right way
42. Decoupling Repositories from Controllers (2:34)
43. Working with Spring Profiles (19:36)
44. Spring AOP Part 1: Pointcut and Advice (@Before and @After) (18:42)
45. Spring AOP Part 2: JoinPoint and ProceedingJoinPoint with @Around (15:47)
46. Best Practices for Logging (6:21)
Spring Security
47. Spring Security: Basic In-Memory Authentication (12:17)
48. Spring Security: Basic In-Memory Authorization (8:47)
49. Spring Security: JDBC Backed Security (8:25)
50. Spring Security: Postgres Database with JDBC Authorization and Authentication (20:47)
51. Spring Security: User Registration and Password Encryption (32:14)
52. Spring Security: Customize White Label Error Pages (13:28)
RESTFul Web Services API in Spring
55. The Anatomy of a REST API (9:12)
56. CRUD REST Endpoints for Entities (33:01)
57. Setting Validation Rules for a REST API (8:25)
58. Custom Clientside Validation Involving Data Repositories (18:09)
59. Pagination in REST API (11:06)
60. Spring Data Rest (11:10)
Improving the Application + Final Project
61. Update and Delete Entities (23:06)
62. Improving Forms and Validations (17:55)
63. Timelines Project- Part 1 (15:02)
64. Timelines Project- Part 2 (11:20)
65. Timelines Project- Part 3 (16:29)
32. Installing the PostgreSQL Database and Driver
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