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Python Basics
1. Configuring Our Dev Environment and Creating Our First Program (10:13)
Python Developer Environment Setup
2. Basics of Variables (13:27)
3. Basic Datatypes in Python (9:28)
4. Basic Arithmetic in Python (4:02)
5. Indexing and Slicing Strings (12:15)
6. Basic String Methods (13:10)
7. Formatting Strings Using the Format Method (4:58)
8. Strings are Immutable (2:54)
Section 1 Assignments (21:07)
Lists, Tuples and Dictionaries
9. Lists in Python (17:04)
9.5. Assignment: List Assignment (3:14)
10. Accessing Elements in Nested Lists (6:51)
11. Finding Index Positions in Lists and Counting Duplicates (3:31)
12. Tuples in Python (9:01)
13. Dictionaries in Python (16:09)
14. Comparison Operators (14:51)
Section 2 Assignments (17:46)
Functions and Variable Scope
15. Introduction to Creating Functions (26:52)
16. *args and **kwargs in Python (10:38)
17. Basics of Variable Scope (4:02)
18. Scope and Nested Functions (8:53)
Section 3 Assignments (19:01)
Control Flow
19. Control Flow: If & Else Statements (12:38)
20. Control Flow: Elif Statements (5:41)
21. For Loops (20:21)
22. Pass Statement in For Loops (4:40)
23. While Loops (10:36)
24. Looping and Unpacking with Dictionaries and Tuples (12:46)
25. Range, Enumerate, and Zip Functions (11:11)
26. More Handy Functions and the Random Package (15:18)
27. Accepting Input From a User (9:49)
Section 4 Assignments: Part 1 (17:53)
Section 4 Assignments: Part 2 (16:26)
Section 4 Assignments: Part 3 (20:35)
Section 4 Assignments: Advanced Assignment (20:48)
Modules, Packages and Object Oriented Programming in Python
29. Classes and Objects (11:21)
28. Revisiting the Difference between Methods and Functions (8:05)
30. Classes Attributes vs Object Attributes (20:24)
31. Calling Python Code That is Saved in Another File (3:52)
32. Inheritance and Polymorphism (18:13)
33. Abstract Classes and Methods (11:44)
34. Practical Application of OOP (16:06)
35. Double Under (Dunder) Methods (5:54)
36. Python Script Files (11:15)
37. Python Modules and Using Code from Other Files (7:25)
38. Python Packages (16:41)
39. Understanding the if __name__ == __main__ Syntax (11:13)
Section 5 Assignment (10:05)
File IO and Exception Handling in Python
40. Exception Handling (9:56)
41. File IO (26:25)
42. File IO with Exception Handling (19:41)
43. OS Module (15:52)
44. Traversing Directories Using the OS Module (9:39)
45. OS Module Continued (11:25)
46. argv Command Line Arguments and the re Module (9:02)
Section 6 Assignment (21:28)
Exam Preparation
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13. Dictionaries in Python
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